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Overall Leaderboard
Rank Entry Points Streak
1 Iron City 6packs 1209 1
2 mELLO 1175 0
3 The Diesel #44 938 1
4 Flames 856 0
5 Evansville Country 838 0
6 Hashmark Hashbrowns 816 1
7 101 Mexican Whooping Llamas 800 0
8 Mr. Fantastic 753 4
9 Spaghetti and Yeetballs 742 1
10 air express 736 1
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Weekly Rushing Leaders
Rank Player Yards # Teams % Picked
1 Kyren Williams 108 0 0%
Announcements and Messages
2024 schedule is entered, rosters are updated. Let's get ready for some football!
How Do I Play?

Running Back Rampage is a free fantasy football sports game where each week you pick a running back that you think will rush for 100 yards or more. If you get it right, then you are on a streak and will need to pick a different player the next week to rush for 100 yards or more. How many weeks can you keep your streak alive? The longer your streak, the more points you will receive.

Visit the How To Play page for more details. Running Back Rampage is free to play and free to sign up for. Simply create a login ID, and a team, and you are ready to go. Be sure to read and agree to terms of the user agreement before you sign up. That way we can all have a good time.